
Showing posts with the label Robotic surgery

Robotic surgery - are surgeries performed by Robots?

  Robotic-assisted surgery improves precision agility in critical surgeries and ensures a better view of the surgical site to surgeons for most common robotic surgery procedures compared to traditional surgical procedures. It assists surgeons in performing minimally invasive procedures for complex and otherwise impossible or difficult surgeries. How it is performed Clinical Robotic surgery is equipped with a camera arm and mechanical arms attached to surgical instruments. In this process, the surgeon sits at a computer console adjacent to the operating table and manages the arms during the operation. The console shares a magnified, high-definition 3-D view of the surgical site with the surgeon. Assisting teammates can also witness the surgical site through the magnifier. Since this type of surgery is conducted by small, precise cuts in operation, It is more useful than standard endoscopic techniques. Robotic arm-assisted laparoscopic surgery is more manageable to perform tha...

Robotic Surgery - How it is Done and its Benefits

  Robotic surgery , also called robot-assisted surgery, allows doctors to accomplish many types of complex procedures with more precision, flexibility, and control than is possible with conventional techniques. Robotic surgery is usually attributed to minimally invasive surgery — techniques performed through tiny incisions. It is also sometimes used in certain traditional open surgical treatments. Why it's done Surgeons who use the robotic system find that for many procedures it enriches accuracy, flexibility, and control during the operation and allows them to better see the site, compared with traditional techniques. Using robotic surgery, surgeons can perform sensitive and complex procedures that may be difficult or impossible with other methods.     How Robotic surgery works   To operate using the Robotic system, the surgeon makes tiny incisions in your body and inserts miniaturized tools and a high-definition three-dimensional camera, and sometimes skin ...