A hernia usually happens in the abdomen or groin, when one of the organs pushes through the muscle or tissue that contains it. It may look like an odd bulge that comes and goes during different activities or positions. It may or may not cause symptoms, such as discomfort or pain. Most hernias eventually will need laparoscopic surgery for hernia for a complete cure.


What is HERNIA?

A hernia occurs when part of your insides bulges through an opening or weakness in the muscle or tissue that contains it. Most hernias involve one of your abdominal organs pushing through one of the walls of your abdominal cavity. Hernias can occur gradually as you get older and regular wear and tear on your muscles begins to add up. They can also result from an injury, surgery or birth disorder.


The common hernia locations in the human bodies are:-

        In your lower chest through your diaphragm.

        In your groin through your lower abdominal wall.

        Along the front midline of your abdomen.

        Through a former abdominal surgery incision.





        INGUINAL HERNIA: - Inguinal hernias are the most common type, accounting for 75% of all hernias. They mostly affect men or people assigned male at birth (AMAB). They happen when part of your bowel protrudes into your inguinal canal, a passageway that runs down your inner thigh.

        FEMORAL HERNIA: - A femoral hernia is a less-common type of groin hernia that occurs in the femoral canal, which runs underneath the inguinal canal. Fatty tissue may poke through.

        HIATAL HERNIA: - A hiatal hernia is another common type of hernia that you acquire during your lifetime. It happens when the opening in the diaphragm where your esophagus passes through widens, and the top of your stomach pushes up through the opening into your chest.

        A congenital diaphragmatic hernia: - is a serious birth mark in which the diaphragm doesn’t close all the way during fetal development. It can cause abdominal organs to slip up into the chest cavity while the organs are still growing, crowding the lungs.

        Incisional hernia: - An incisional hernia occurs when tissue protrudes through a former incision in your abdominal wall that weakened over time. It’s a common side effect of abdominal surgery.

        Umbilical hernia: - An umbilical hernia occurs when part of your intestine pokes through an opening in your abdominal wall near your belly button. Most umbilical hernias are congenital (present from birth).

        Ventral hernia: - A ventral hernia is any hernia that occurs through the front wall of your abdomen. It includes umbilical hernias and incisional hernias. An “epigastric hernia” is a ventral hernia above the belly button.

        Perineal hernia: - A perineal hernia occurs when organs or tissue push through an opening or weakness in your pelvic floor into your abdominal cavity. These hernias are relatively rare.



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